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Our 6-Step Estate Planning Process:

We aim to establish lifelong, multi-generational relationships with our clients. Each client and their family is unique and we are intentional about getting to know and understand individual goals, needs, and concerns.
Home Deck and Patio with Outdoor Furniture

Initial Consultation

We begin with a 30-minute conversation or in-person meeting, to discuss your specific estate planning needs. If you are new to estate planning, we explore initiating that journey and go over some key concepts and terminology. We talk about events that may have prompted the need for estate planning, such as recent death, divorce, marriage, birth, or other family circumstances. An examination of estate size will establish whether it falls within the taxable estate bracket.


The Questionnaire

Following the meeting, we send out a detailed questionnaire for you to fill out. The information requested includes the names of fiduciaries, such as agents under powers of attorney, guardians for minor children, trustees, personal representatives, and other specifics related to your requirements.


Document Drafting

Once we've reviewed your completed questionnaire, and based on the initial conversation, we draft the essential documents necessary to establish for your estate plan. We then provide these initial drafts to you for the review process.


Review Meeting

After you've had a chance to thoroughly review the drafts, a meeting will be scheduled to address any questions or concerns you may have and to deepen your understanding of how all the documents work together. This chance for clarification ensures you're fully informed about your estate planning choices.


Executing your Documents

Post-review, we make any necessary changes and prepare the drafts for signatures. The next step involves scheduling a meeting to execute the documents. We facilitate the signing at a location most comfortable for you, such as your home. The documents will be notarized in this session, which typically takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour.


Document Handling

After the notarization, we provide you with the final, signed documents for safekeeping. We'll also retain a copy on our end to reference for any future amendments or adjustments in your estate planning strategy. This way, we ensure your plan remains up-to-date with your life circumstances and wishes.